
Saturday, 8 August 2015

Bumps on Penis

Having bumps on your penis? there are a lot write up about causes of bumps and avaliable treatment. but why do you need to keep trying over the counter pills when you can talk to a doctor?. feel free to mail me and lets discuss the bumpy issues!


Thursday, 6 August 2015


male concern about whether penile size lives up to the desires of females seems to be largely misplaced. 85% of women are satisfied with the size and proportion of their partner's penis, men were less sure of themselvs.
average erect lengths of penis is around 12 to 16. however a higher BMI appear to be weakly associated with a shorter erect penis length.
phew! hit the gym today and get your weight control since you cant control your height! lol

stay tune

blood in stool?

the best way to tackle the issue of blood in stool is to consult your doctor,diagnosis of blood in stool can be as mild as an infection which can be treated asap or it might be as complicated as bn a colon or rectal cancer! . whatever is running through your mind now , dont be scared early presentation for treatment is important for management of blood in stool. you can also chat with me if you need more heads up.


Thursday, 12 February 2015


Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual dysfunctional problems. about 20-30% of American male are affected. No specific data is avaliable for African males, but am sure have seen a couple of males with premature ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation usually develop over a period of time affecting males in their 30s
Here is how to deal with it!;

  • psychosexual theray : simply put you need a sex therapist to take you through the start and stop  mechanism.
  • Tone your muscles; in and out
  • Use condom containing benzocaine gel
  • You can also see a GP to prescribe drugs that delay ejaculation response.
  • Get a boot delay device
  • take more ginger and garlic! yep it works
  • Watch  less porn!!!
kindly leave a comment if u need futher help

keep it working!

Wednesday, 11 February 2015


The beautiful  daughter of Whitney houston is currently doing better on her sick bed.  Her aunt says she wont be taken off life support has earlier rumoured in the social medial. # happypeople

Today is the third anniversary that her mum, whitney Houston passed on. we all hope and  pray that the little lady  will be  in great shape this time next year. Dont worry girl your mum is praying for you and your dad ........

NB. #iwillalwaysloveyou